Ravi Shankar Statement of Candidacy | Ravi for Vallejo Mayor

Ravi's Statement of Candidacy
for Mayor of Vallejo 2024


Ravi C. Shankar 

Occupation:   Business Owner Consultant
Education & Qualifications: Credentials include: Bangalore University Graduate with BSc, BSEE and University of Phoenix MBA.

 Born in Bangalore India to mother Lalita and father Chandra Shekhariah, our family of Electrical Engineers, entrepreneurs are compassionate community activists.  Growing up, multicultural viewpoints, calm personality now enables me to understand Vallejo citizen’s concerns -- wife Peggy’s dream home.                                                                                                        
 From a Project Engineer and Business Professional, I blossomed into owning my Licensed Accounting Business, helping minority, women entrepreneurs and nonprofits succeed.     

 Vallejo’s Shelterless need council’s unified compassion.  Reducing illegal dumping, providing more affordable housing, selling unused city properties, reducing unfair tax on Mare Island homeowners/lawsuits, restoring funded Preserve Trust, boosting youth skills centers and advocating unified Waterfront, Mare Island and Sonoma Boulevard plans fixing potholes, bringing jobs and planting trees.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 My vision includes InfoTech, Maritime and Wine Industry partnerships, promoting cultural tourism through our Sister Cities. Empowering our Youth Commission and hiring local experts saves money builds trust.                                                                                                                                                                                          
 As Commissioner or Board Member under Participatory Budgeting, Vallejo Sister Cities, Vallejo Naval Museum, Solano County Library Foundation, Vallejo Police Chief Advisory, Vallejo School District Budget Advisory, Vallejo Community Gardens, I have marched for justice, spoken at city council, written often in news media.

 Elect me as your next Servant Leadership style Mayor.  I will strive for everyone’s prosperous, better Vallejo, listening to everyone and promoting your priorities.   Namaste!